What’s your “personal tagline” for the new year?

As we approach the Jewish high holidays, it is both an exciting time of new beginnings and a period of reflection. The Hebrew word that comes to mind, as it has strong connections to both the prayers and the reading from the Torah (Five Books of Moses) on Rosh Hashana, is “hineni,” “here I am.”

Here I am, present and mindful of the growth I have experienced in the last year as well as of the growth I would like to experience in the coming year.  

This is an exciting time at Riverdale Y as we launch our new branding and tagline, “Make Your Life Here.” As I reflect on this upcoming year, an area that I would like to improve on is to be more present in the moment, to find my “Hineni” whether personally or professionally; to really focus on living mindfully and being immersed in the here and now, “Make my Life Present.” I encourage you to challenge yourself and think about what you would like more of in your life, what will your tagline be for the New Year?

Wishing all those celebrating a happy and healthy new year and wishing our community at large a successful start to the new school year filled with new discoveries, exciting challenges and meaningful opportunities. May we each have the courage to say “Hineni” when we are called and contribute to our community in a meaningful way. 

Shana Tova U’Metuka
– Esther

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