As this tumultuous year is ending, I am keenly reminded of the importance of the Arts in our lives. It is a passion I have had throughout my life. I sang with my five sisters growing up, then married an actor/musician/writer and we raised two children, who are also actors.
There is nothing more uplifting than the gift of song. Or the depth and poignancy of a play or musical that touches our hearts. Or even the simplicity of mindless entertainment, that gives us a respite from our daily challenges.
Our theatrical season began with our Riverdale Rep production of Fiddler On The Roof. We were just beginning our rehearsal process when the unthinkable happened in Israel and our cast members were wary of continuing with the production. After lengthy discussions and shared emotion, I am grateful that they not only stayed on, but were part of a memorable, deeply meaningful production; one that was shared with more than 1500 people who attended. All were moved by the impact of a beautiful show, and its relevance in today’s world. It was an indescribable experience for all.
We end 2023 with the lighthearted, entertaining Mean Girls. In the hands of our extremely talented teens, our award-winning Rising Stars elevate the show and have brought much laughter & joy into the lives of many during this holiday season. You still have 3 chances to see the show this weekend!

Our last show of the Fall/Winter Season is Sister Act, Jr., presented by our always enthusiastic Jr. Rising Stars!
I am thrilled to provide our community with quality theatre and a “little corner of the world” where we can toss our cares away for a short time. We look forward to seeing you in the new year. Join us onstage or off. Make your life dramatic at Riverdale Y.