The Power & Possibility of LGBTQ+ Jewish Pride at Riverdale Y

Riverdale Y is a Jewish community center, of course, but in an increasingly fractured world, it is for me a vision of what the world could be. We remain grounded in our Jewish identity, yet many of our members and program participants are not Jewish. We are multi-racial, multi-religious, and inclusive of all genders and […]
Join us in the sukkah!

We are excited to extend our heartfelt invitation to you and your loved ones to join us at Riverdale Y to celebrate the joyous Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Sukkot is named after the booths or huts (sukkot in Hebrew) in which Jews traditionally dwell during this week-long celebration. According to Jewish tradition, our sukkot represent […]
Stories like Brenda’s are why we help older New Yorkers visit their family’s burial places

Many older adults in New York are unable to travel to cemeteries in order to visit their loved ones’ final resting places. To address this issue Riverdale Y organized visits to Jewish cemeteries throughout the New York area for the High Holidays. Brenda, a member of the Y’s older adult center, registered for the cemetery […]
Yizkor Service
It is customary to recite Yizkor, a memorial service honoring our departed loved ones, on Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Join us the day after Yom Kippur for a free communal Yizkor service led by Rabbi Scott Kalmikoff, Director of Community Engagement at the Riverdale Y. All members of our community, […]