Join us in the sukkah!

We are excited to extend our heartfelt invitation to you and your loved ones to join us at Riverdale Y to celebrate the joyous Jewish holiday of Sukkot. 

Sukkot is named after the booths or huts (sukkot in Hebrew) in which Jews traditionally dwell during this week-long celebration. According to Jewish tradition, our sukkot represent the huts in which the Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt. The festival of Sukkot is one of the three great pilgrimage festivals of the Jewish year. It is often referred to as Chag Ha’Asif, “The Harvest Festival.” Much of the imagery and ritual of the holiday revolves around joy and gratitude for the completed harvest.

Today, Sukkot is a time to come together and welcome guests into our sukkot. Riverdale Y has built a sukkah for our members to celebrate in during the holiday. In the spirit of hospitality and inclusivity, our sukkah is open to all, and we encourage you to bring your family, friends, and neighbors to share in the festivities or to eat in our sukkah during our hours of operation. 

We have also planned two events in our sukkah: 

Pizza in the Hut
Monday, October 2 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm

Young families with children ages 2-8 are invited to join us for pizza in the sukkah and to join us in decorating our beautiful sukkah. Register here 

Dessert in the Sukkah with Rabbi Scott
Tuesday, October 3 at 12:45 – 1:30 pm.

Members of New Beginnings, the Y’s Older Adult Center, are invited for dessert in the sukkah following lunch with Rabbi Scott, Director of Community Engagement at the Y. Together, we will learn about the holiday and shake the lulav and etrog. 

We want everyone to feel welcome and included in our Sukkot celebrations, regardless of your background or level of observance.

Whether you’ve celebrated Sukkot for years or it’s your first time, our community is here to embrace you with open arms. We look forward to coming together as a community to celebrate Sukkot, share our blessings, and build community. Let’s make this Sukkot at Riverdale Y a truly special and welcoming experience for all.

Wishing you and your loved ones a meaningful and joyous Sukkot!

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