Our monthly food pantry at AmPark NORC (Naturally Occurring Retirement Community) on 10/18 was well-attended by folks facing food vulnerability in the Bronx.
Nearly 160 people came through the doors of AmPark NORC and walked away with a bag full of food graciously provided by Met Council, a New York organization focussed on the needs of vulnerable individuals in the city. This pantry is a continuing monthly effort to feed Bronxites coordinated by AmPark NORC and Riverdale Y.
Joining us for this month’s Food Pantry at AmPark were members of the multinational firm AXIUM Infrastructure. Axium Infrastructure is an independent, employee-owned fund manager dedicated exclusively to infrastructure investments.
The usual volunteer team from Riverdale Y was joined by these special volunteers, led by AXIUM Infrastructure Executive Office Manager, Yamiley Azor-Bell. Yamiley coordinated the service of members of her team, and we were happy to have them. Members of the AXIUM family volunteering were Paolo, Brian, Yamiley, Friyana, Oliver, Karey, and William. They eagerly and generously gave their time to helping many people receive sustaining food.
Of course, all of this is coordinated by our Center for Social Responsibility. Riverdale Y is committed to providing needed services to those among us who need them. Alexandra Nyashina (Director of Volunteer Services) and Shira Silverman(Manager of the Riverdale Y Sunday Market and Volunteer Coordinator) have worked endlessly to provide more and more opportunities for us to do this work. The Riverdale Y also thanks the Met Council and coordinator Micah Bookman.
Riverdale Y is fortunate to have corporate volunteer support from companies like Axium Infrastructure. They are joined by many other businesses, large and small, in providing volunteer and financial support to the Y.
As we build this corporate volunteer infrastructure, we are well-prepared to face the challenges of feeding as many people in the Bronx as we can. If your company wishes to participate in our employee volunteer program at the Y for food distribution or other community services, please contact Alexandra Nyashina, anyashina@riverdaley.org.
To make a donation to our ongoing programs please contact Melissa Sigmond, msigmond@riverdaley.org.