Passover is a holiday commemorating the Jewish Exodus from Egypt and liberation from slavery in ancient times. Traditionally, the first two nights of Passover are observed with a ritualistic meal called a Seder.
At New Beginnings, Riverdale Y’s Older Adult Center, 190 members came together yesterday for a Passover “Model Seder.”
Older adults of all ethnicities and religions joined us to experience the day, as well as many of our local elected officials. For some it was an introduction to Jewish culture, for others a reminder of traditions experienced since childhood.
Those of you who have prepared holiday meals at home know that preparing a Seder for even ten people is a huge undertaking; imagine doing this for two-hundred people!
This event was months in the making. We couldn’t have done it without Rabbi Scott Kalmikoff leading the model seder, the delicious meal prepared by our kitchen team under the leadership of chef Nekiya Edwards (who started cooking on Sunday!), and the crew of volunteers of all ages led by Alexandra Nyashina who helped with advance preparations and running the event.
The story of Passover, like most Jewish holidays and rituals, is meant to be shared together and yesterday was a beautiful example of our community coming together to remember and imagine what freedom is and could be.
I am so proud of all our staff and volunteers who made the day successful.
Happy Passover to all.